












Jewel Kiriko 2025 Glass&Jewelry 伝統から革新へ



  1. Jewel と日本の工芸品"切子"のカット技術を融合した新感覚のJewelとGLass
  2. 東方四神記という東アジアの神話から青龍は東の方角の聖獣です。
  3. 切子のカット、伝統を踏襲しつつ新しい技術革新(イノベーション)を目指します。

Makuake限定出品の ”Jewel Kiriko" を世界へ!職人の技がぎっしり詰まった繊細な作りを、より多くの方に知ってもらいたい。

Let's bring "Jewel Kiriko", a Makuake exclusive, to the world! We want more people to know about the intricate craftsmanship that is packed into this piece.

NEWモデル Jewel Kiriko 龍の切子酒杯シリーズ

New Model Jewel Kiriko Dragon sake-cup
Green Dragon / Blue Dragon





In this project, we are using our experience and technical know-how to create two new models: a green sleeping dragon sake cup and a blue rising dragon sake cup. Available in Japan as a Makuake exclusive model. With these new limited edition models, we hope to show people around the world the incredible skills it takes to make cut glass tumblers.

The blue dragon we present is one of the most difficult cups to make because of the detail and precision required. To achieve this color in the blue dragon cup, we needed to find the right balance of cobalt oxide added during the manufacturing process to bring out the amazing blue color.

With the Green Dragon Cup, we literally went back to the drawing board and our artists created a design that has never been seen before, exclusively for overseas markets. We had the colour glass material mixed to make the glass green, and then our skilled craftsmen carefully and precisely engraved the sleeping dragon into the glass.

We wanted to bring two items that we felt were truly unique and could not be found anywhere else, and promote their appeal by making them exclusive to Makuake in Japan.

新しい緑龍(臥龍/伏龍)の切子酒杯 ~三国志ファンのための切子酒杯
The New Sleeping Green Dragon sake-cup




Draft Design by the artist Kazuo Hanaoka

For this glass, we have created a design that brings to mind that of a crouching dragon (known as a fukuryu) submerged in a lake, waiting for its time to emerge and ascend to the heavens. It is also known as a metaphor, of a great man who is hidden and has had his time to shine, or some see it as being a metaphor for a young person who has a lot of potential.

The New Rising Blue Dragon Kiriko sake-cup



ガラスの青色(瑠璃色)を作るために、溶かしたガラスに酸化コバルトを加えて着色します。カットガラスに使われるガラスはレイヤーガラスで、このガラスは 2 層になっています。このガラスでは、青いガラスを作る際に、ベース層は琥珀色のガラス、外層は青い瑠璃色のガラスです。単純に色が変わったように見えますが、これらの色を作る成分は根本的に異なり、融点も異なります。ガラスは異なるるつぼ(ガラスを溶かすのに使用)で溶かされ、棒を使って溶けたガラスを拾い上げて取り除かれます。

Draft Design by the artist Kazuo Hanaoka

The Blue Dragon is the guardian deity (sacred beast) of the east, and it waits for the thunder of the heavens at the bottom of a mountain lake, where it turns its scales blue and ascends to the heavens to become the Blue Dragon. We have taken on the challenge of creating this Blue Dragon for the first time, and have adopted a variety of special manufacturing methods to bring out the beauty of the dragon through the colours of the sculpture and the cup.

To create the blue colour (lapis lazuli colour) of the glass, we add cobalt oxide to the molten glass to colour it. The glass used for cut glass is layered glass, which has two layers. In this glass, when making blue glass, the base layer is amber-coloured glass, and the outer layer is blue colour glass. Although it looks like the colours have simply changed, the ingredients that make these colours are fundamentally different, and they also have different melting points. The glass is melted in different crucibles (used for melting glass), and the molten glass is removed using a stick.





The production of the Dragon Sake-Cup

The important thing to note is that the cooling and solidification temperatures differ when the two layers are combined, which affects the shrinkage rate, and if not handled properly, a sharp cracks may form between the two layers.

To prevent this, the glass is cooled slowly. If the person in charge is not used to controlling the two temperatures of the glass, the number of defective products will increase.

Next, the blue of the blue dragon and the green of the green dragon are created by adding minerals for colored glass to the glass material and melting it in a crucible.

The amount added and the temperature affect the brilliance of the color.

This is a trade secret, similar to the secret recipes of chefs who make a living while keeping their secrets.

This blower for cut glass is ranked AAA, which is the highest rank among glass blowers,

and he adjusts the thickness and density of the glass while listening to the design plan from the Cut glass Craftsman. If the glass is too thick, the depth of the cuts cannot be seen,

and if the color is too light, the color becomes blurred and the beauty of the glass is lost.

It may seem like they are simply changing and adding colors, but in reality, making dragon glass requires a lot of skill and technique.

Jewel Kiriko は、日本の伝統工芸である切子グラスに、新しい技術やデザインを融合させたブランドです。江戸時代(1834年頃)に江戸で生まれた切子は、非常に難易度の高い繊細なカットが施されています。このカット方法を活かし、新たな模様やデザインを生み出し、さらに技術を加え、Jewel Kiriko へと進化させました!

Jewel Kiriko is a brand that fuses traditional Japanese Kiriko glasses, a traditional form of Japanese craftsmanship, with new techniques and designs.

Japanese Kiriko, which was born in the Edo area, current day Tokyo, in the Edo period (Around 1834), uses extremely high-difficulty delicate cuts. We have utilised this cutting method to create new patterns and designs, while adding extra techniques, to evolve it into Jewel Kiriko!

↑ の画像は立涌紋様の切子酒杯(人の廻りを漂う気・オーラを表現したデザイン)

The image above is a cut glass sake cup with a tatewaku pattern (a design that expresses the energy and aura that surrounds people).
Commonly known as the Unkiryu sake cup (the name tatewaku means that luck rises up).

Jewel Kiriko の特徴は、ガラスに模様を彫り込むという非常に繊細な作業の世界にあります。この作業は手作業で行われ、複雑な模様を作るには極めて精密さが求められ、それが Jewel Kiriko のグラスを他のグラスとは一線を画すものにしています。

Delicate handiwork: The largest feature of Jewel Kiriko is the world that goes into cutting the patterns on the glass, which is extremely delicate work. This work is done by hand, and the intricate patterns take extreme precision to make, which makes these glasses stand out from others.

Jewel Kirikoは、色ガラスと透明ガラスを重ねて作られています。ガラスにカットを入れると、透明感と色彩が融合し、美しい光の演出が生まれます。

Colour and Transparency combined: Jewel Kiriko glass is made by layering coloured glass with transparent glass. When cuts are made into the glass, the combination of the transparent and colour comes together, making for beautiful light displays.

↑ 京友禅の老舗「京都 岡重」さんとのコラボレーションの切子酒杯(参考品)。
"波頭に蜻蛉の酒杯"の 図案は羽織の裏地柄から写されたもの。
「京都 岡重」は通称:羽裏の岡重とも呼ばれ、派手、意外、強烈、華麗など、まさに裏勝りの老舗!

↑ The Sake cup shown above is a kiriko-cut sake cup made in collaboration with Kyoto Okajyu, a long-established maker of kimono dyed in the Yuzen style.
The design of the ‘dragonfly on the crest of a wave’ is based on a pattern from the lining of a haori (Japanese coat).
Kyoto Okajyu is also known as ‘Okajyu of the lining of a haori’...
A long-established shop that is truly more impressive on the inside than on the outside, with its flamboyant, unexpected, intense and gorgeous designs!

切子は伝統的な手法を基盤としていますが、現代の職人はガラスを作る際に新しいデザインやアイデアを取り入れています。そのため、クラシックな作品からモダンなデザインの作品まで、さまざまなスタイルが存在します。Jewel Kiriko は、太いカットの線や動物の絵と組み合わせた伝統的な幾何学模様を多く取り入れたデザインを使用しています。
Tradition and Innovation:
Kiriko has its foundation in traditional methods, however, today's craftsmen use new designs and ideas when making the glass. Because of this, a whole variety of styles exist from classic pieces to modern design pieces. Jewel Kiriko uses designs that feature lots of traditional geometrical patterns that are combined with thick-cut lines or wheel engraved images of animals.

Jewel Kiriko は見た目が美しいだけでなく、通常のグラスとして使えるため、実用的にも楽しめます。特別な日常使いのグラスとして使ったり、特別なイベントのテーブルを飾ったりと、使い方は様々です。

Function and form combined:
Jewel Kiriko glass isn’t just pretty to look at, but also can be used like a normal glass, meaning that you can enjoy it practically as well! You can use it as a special everyday glass or have it decorate your table for special events, it has a wide variety of uses.

Kiriko Glass is said to be a pure representation part of Japanese culture and embodies Japanese tradition and aesthetic sense. It is popular among foreigners as a gift for others and is a handy tool to be used to experience Japanese culture.

Prototype 賢者のネックレス+moissaniteダイアモンド

ペンダントップの枠:シルバー925 (スターリングシルバー)
トップ 縦 30mm 横 17mm 厚み 5.6mm
チェーン 全長 450mm
チェーン部分 全長 約450mm
加工 ロジウムコーティング

Pendant top frame: 925 silver (sterling silver)
Stone: clear quartz (crystal for jewelry), moissanite-diamond
Top: length 30mm, width 17mm, thickness 5.6mm
Chain: total length 450mm
Processing: rhodium coating

Prototype 仮称) 宝石の雫 ネックレス クリアクオーツ 

ペンダントップの枠:シルバー925 (スターリングシルバー)
トップ 縦 30mm 横 17mm 厚み 5.6mm
チェーン 全長 450mm
Pendant top frame: 925 silver (sterling silver)
Stone: clear quartz (gem crystal)
Top length 30mm width 17mm thickness 5.6mm
Chain total length 450mm

Prototype ピアス( Pierced Earrings ) moissaniteダイアモンド 

10K (10金) 、moissanite-ダイアモンド
最近はダイヤモンドも以前ほどではなく、天然ダイヤモンドよりも質の高い人工ダイヤモンドが登場した。Laboグロウ・ダイヤモンドとmoissanite・ダイアモンドになる。本品の5mmサイズのダイヤモンドは天然ダイヤより輝く、逆にこのmoissanite・ダイアモンドはダイヤよりも光の分散度が高く、大きいサイズになると虹色の輝きを放ち不向きである。 Jewel Kiriko の研究の過程で、ダイヤモンドをどう使うか?が話題になり。今回のオプションに加えた。

10K (10k gold), moissanite-diamond




Diamonds are not so common these days, and artificial diamonds of higher quality than natural diamonds have appeared: Labo glow diamonds and moissanite diamonds. The 5mm size diamonds shine brighter than natural diamonds, while the moissanite diamonds have a higher light dispersion than diamonds, making them unsuitable for larger sizes, as they emit an iridescent glow. In the course of Jewel Kiriko's research, the question of how to use diamonds became a topic of discussion. This was the topic of discussion and was added as an option in this project. I added it to this option.

In my opinion, diamonds are not suited for different sizes.

In order of smallest to largest

moissanite diamonds

〇 moissanite diamonds

are suitable for small sizes such as earrings. If they are small, they are white and have a higher light dispersion rate than natural diamonds. On the other hand, if they are large, they shine in rainbow colors and look unnatural.

〇Labo Grow Diamonds

Artificial diamonds with the same chemical formula. As the name suggests, they are made in a laboratory (labo).

It is an ethical diamond that takes into consideration people, society, and nature, and does not require excavation of mines, and is a diamond that takes environmental destruction into consideration. Demand is increasing due to the expectation of brand original colored diamonds in the future.

 Natural diamonds

In the future, natural diamonds will be the focus of attention for diamonds that are larger in size.

This is because of the long history of diamonds in the background and the structure of the market and jewelry industry. In the future, not only the 4C quality standards but also the status of owning a natural diamond will be added.

2025年1月23日 変更点
Due to construction reasons, the frame partially covers the center stone, so the shape is slightly changed so that the stone setting edge and circumference do not overlap with the stone.
※The red arrow shows the edge of the stone.

We are currently working hard to realise the design and specifications for the JewelKiriko factory. However, there is a possibility that the design and specifications may change during the development process.


わたしたちはJewelKirikoを製作するために、現在工場とデザイン・仕様を実現できるようプロジェクトを誠心誠意進めています。 しかしながら、開発中の工程において、デザイン・仕様が一部変更になる可能性もございます。 製造スケジュールについては、現在プロジェクト成功を想定した数で調整しておりますが、想定を上回る応援購入の申込みがあった場合、製造工程上の都合や配送作業に伴う止む得ない事情によりお届けが遅れる場合がございます。 上記のようにプロジェクトページに記載している内容に変更がある場合は、できるだけ早く活動レポートなどで共有を行っていく予定です。 最後にJewel Kirikoを手に取ったみなさまに喜んでもらえるよう、チームメンバー一同心を込めて対応していきますので、応援よろしくお願い致します。 追記: 本文中に記載させていただいたスケジュールは、あくまでプロジェクト公開時点の予定です。応援購入の性質上、配送遅延のおそれがございます。 原則として、配送遅延に伴う応援購入のキャンセルはできませんが、リターン配送予定月から3ヶ月を超えた場合には、希望者に限りキャンセルにて対応させて頂きます。 Risks and Challenges As this is a product that is still under development, there may be delays in delivery due to unavoidable circumstances related to the manufacturing process or delivery work. Due to the nature of this product, there is a risk of delivery delays. As a general rule, we cannot cancel orders for this product due to delivery delays, but if three months have passed since the scheduled return delivery month, we will accept cancellations from those who request it.



このプロジェクトはAll in型です。目標金額の達成に関わらず、プロジェクト終了日の2025年03月22日までに支払いを完了した時点で購入が成立します。



【早割り】Prototype ピアス ( Mダイアモンド×K10 )



10K (10金) 、moissanite-ダイアモンド

pierced earring
10K (10k gold), moissanite-diamond
2 pieces (for both ears)

【早割り】Prototype 賢者のネックレス+moissaniteダイアモンド



ペンダントップの枠:シルバー925 (スターリングシルバー)
石:クリアクオーツ ( 宝石用の水晶 ) 、moissanite・ダイアモンド
トップ 縦 30mm 横 17mm 厚み 5.6mm
チェーン 全長 450mm
加工 ロジウムコーティング

Frame of pendant top: 925 silver (sterling silver)
Stones: clear quartz ( gem crystal ), moissanite and diamond
Top length 30mm width 17mm thickness 5.6mm
Chain total length 450mm
Processing rhodium coating

【早割り】Prototype 仮称) 宝石の雫 ネックレス クリアクオーツ



ペンダントップの枠:シルバー925 (スターリングシルバー)
トップ 縦 30mm 横 17mm 厚み 5.6mm
チェーン 全長 450mm

Pendant top frame: 925 silver (sterling silver)
Stone: clear quartz (gem crystal)
Top length 30mm width 17mm thickness 5.6mm
Chain total length 450mm




国内出品スペシャル 「青龍の切子酒杯」
素材: クリスタルガラス (美術装飾用ガラス)
サイズ: 直径約60mm | 高さ約50mm
カラー: アンバー×ブルー
パッケージ: 桐箱


Special for domestic sale "Blue Dragon Cut Glass Sake Cup"
Material: Crystal glass (glass for fine art decoration)
Size: Diameter approx. 60mm | Height approx. 50mm
Color: Amber x Blue
Package: Paulownia wood box
This product is an overseas limited model.
Domestic sales are undecided other than through Makuake.

*If mass production efficiency improves due to your supportive purchases, the regular sales price may be lower than the planned sales price.
*Design and specifications are subject to change. Please note.
*Shipping may be delayed due to order status, supply status of materials used, manufacturing process, etc.




国内出品スペシャル 「緑龍の切子酒杯」
素材: クリスタルガラス (美術装飾用ガラス)
サイズ: 直径約60mm | 高さ約50mm
カラー: アンバー×グリーン
パッケージ: 桐箱


Domestic Special "Green Dragon Cut Glass Sake Cup"
Material: Crystal glass (glass for fine art decoration)
Size: Diameter approx. 60mm | Height approx. 50mm
Color: Amber x Green
Package: Paulownia wood box
This product is an overseas limited model.
Domestic sales are undecided other than through Makuake.

*If mass production efficiency improves due to your supportive purchases, the regular sales price may be lower than the planned sales price.
*Design and specifications are subject to change. Please note.
*Shipping may be delayed due to order status, supply status of materials used, manufacturing process, etc.




国内出品スペシャル 「青龍の切子酒杯」
素材: クリスタルガラス (美術装飾用ガラス)
サイズ: 直径約60mm | 高さ約50mm
カラー: アンバー×ブルー
パッケージ: 桐箱


Special for domestic sale "Blue Dragon Cut Glass Sake Cup"
Material: Crystal glass (glass for fine art decoration)
Size: Diameter approx. 60mm | Height approx. 50mm
Color: Amber x Blue
Package: Paulownia wood box
This product is an overseas limited model.
Domestic sales are undecided other than through Makuake.

*If mass production efficiency improves due to your supportive purchases, the regular sales price may be lower than the planned sales price.
*Design and specifications are subject to change. Please note.
*Shipping may be delayed due to order status, supply status of materials used, manufacturing process, etc.




国内出品スペシャル 「緑龍の切子酒杯」
素材: クリスタルガラス (美術装飾用ガラス)
サイズ: 直径約60mm | 高さ約50mm
カラー: アンバー×グリーン
パッケージ: 桐箱


Domestic Special "Green Dragon Cut Glass Sake Cup"
Material: Crystal glass (glass for fine art decoration)
Size: Diameter approx. 60mm | Height approx. 50mm
Color: Amber x Green
Package: Paulownia wood box
This product is an overseas limited model.
Domestic sales are undecided other than through Makuake.

*If mass production efficiency improves due to your supportive purchases, the regular sales price may be lower than the planned sales price.
*Design and specifications are subject to change. Please note.
*Shipping may be delayed due to order status, supply status of materials used, manufacturing process, etc.

【Makuake限定品】18K ネックレス Prototype 1



商品:Jewel Kiriko 菊花紋 18K ペンダントトップ プロトタイプ
素材: 枠 18K 金 、石はクリアクオーツを予定 
サイズ:ペンダント部分 最大径 約16mm 厚さ 約6mm
バチカン部分: 縦 約9mm 幅 約3mm
チェーン部分: 全長 約450mm
チェーンタイプ: 4面カットあずきチェーン

Product: Jewel Kiriko Chrysanthemum 18K pendant top prototype
Material: Frame 18K gold, stones will be clear quartz
Size: Pendant part: maximum diameter about 16mm, thickness about 6mm
Bachikan part: length about 9mm, width about 3mm
Chain part: total length about 450mm
*The attached chain is 925 silver The attached chain will be 925 silver.

「Makuake(マクアケ)」は、実行者の想いを応援購入によって実現するアタラシイものやサービスのプラットフォームです。このページは、 プロダクトカテゴリの 「Jewel Kiriko 2025 Glass&Jewelry 伝統から革新へ」プロジェクト詳細ページです。